When I use GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId and ApplyDescription on a humanoid (r6) instead of
It comes out as
Does someone know how to fix this?
Unfortunately, :ApplyDescription() doesn’t work as intended due to a bug. There’s a problem with caching the character appearance because it ignores your current appearance. This function is usually applied to clean templates with no hats or packages.
I recommend removing your current appearance and then using the function, or using :LoadCharacterWithHumanoidDescription() because it starts you off with a clean template and applies the following Humanoid Description provided. If you want to return the character to its’ original position, you will have to use CFrame positioning.
I understood that but how could I do the same on a r6 dummy?
You would have to use :ApplyDescription(), since it is designed to work on characters other than a player character.
Here’s a basic script that clears the character and applies the description.
local function clearAppearance(character)
for i,v in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Accessory") or v:IsA("Shirt") or v:IsA("Pant") then
local function applyDescription(character, description)
if character and description then
local humanoidDescription = game.ReplicatedStorage.DescriptionFolder.Example1
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if player then
applyDescription(character, humanoidDescription)
Question, what do I put as game.ReplicatedStorage.DescriptionFolder.Example1?
Put this server script inside the character, should work properly (it works for me and i always use it)
local NPC = script.Parent
local Humanoid = NPC.Humanoid
local UserId = Player.UserId
What are you using, r6 or r15 as the npc?
R6, also works on r15 i think…
It is still a mess in the accessories and the head…
are you sure the games default character is set to R6?
Yes, It is set to avatar type r6
that is very weird, when i use it, it works completely fine, i dont know what to do honestly
Can you send me the dummy as a rblxm file? Maybe it will work that way.
implement this in your game and see if it works ^^^
Thank you for helping me making this cool start screen! (Also sorry for wasting your market distribution number )
Im glad i’ve fixed it for ya!
and dont worry about the market distribution, i barely use it anyway