GetHumanoidDescriptionFrom UserId not applying body colors nor clothing

I’m having trouble loading a players appearance because GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId isn’t loading body colors nor clothing

my code (server script inside of serverscriptservice):

what im loading it to:

I’m pretty sure this doesn’t make a difference but the humanoid root part is welded to a jetski that is being moved (by tweening) on the client


expected appearance:

How can I fix this?

You dont show anything. Show the desc table thing. I cant help without it.

Nvm, im blind. Try printing desc

The desc is just the HumanoidDescription

Here are the properties of the humanoiddescription

Isn’t the model you’re loading it to missing an instance named “Shirt”, “Pants”, “ShirtGraphic” & “BodyColors”? Insert those into the model & try again.

Insert these 4 into the model.

:ApplyDescription loads the humanoiddescription which automatically makes the shirt, pants, graphic, and body colors. If I put those into the model before-hand it will just end up creating a new one regardless. Although I decided to try this and got the same results

So why then isn’t your script working?

I do not know, thats why I made this post

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Try parenting the HumanoidDescription instance to the Humanoid of the NPC and create those instances I suggested.

I do not think you understand this post, re-read the post and look at the images and context I included

I understand, & I’ve used HumanoidDescription’s before without any issues, looking at your script you’re using some loader as opposed to doing it yourself so your problem likely lies there.

If you think it might be related to the jetski why don’t you test it on a normal NPC which hasn’t been modified?

Not sure if this is relevant, but could be related.

This is inside of a module script, the only other stuff in the module is handling adding the loaded items into a table, and holding some other functions that don’t have to do with this.

I’ll try doing this with a different npc

Try a different user ID as well, for instance “1”.

I’ve done this to a different npc and it worked correctly
I just deleted to old npc and added a fresh new one

I’m still not really sure what caused it to not work originally but It’s fixed now :man_shrugging:
