GetMarkerReachedSignal not being reached

I am making a system that shoots a fire blast from alternating arms with every click
however the problem is that whenever i play the animation for the blast my keyframe event is never reached. Am i doing something wrong with the “GetMarkerReachedSignal” Function?

Above is a video showing the animation playing on press but the code not reaching the Keyframe event resulting in an inability to use the move again

My Code

My Animation Event in moon animation as well as in AnimSaves to ensure its not named incorrectly

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animation editor cant animate stuff that isnt a part of your character so like effects or other parts you gotta script those :confused:

No no the effects work fine i have them tweened from the characters arms however the tween is set to play after the animation of the arm blast reaches a certain keyframe which is not being reached for some reason

It’s because you do Animator:Play() and then use GetMarkerReachedSignal on Animator2. Switch it to Animator and it should work.

Oh my gosh how didn’t i notice that thank you so much :sob: