GetMarkerReachedSignal not work

Add an event to the last frame of the animation, This event cannot trigger GetMarkerReachedSignal. If the event is not in the last frame, GetMarkerReachedSignal works

For example, in the animation 6330778695, the event “END” is added to the last frame

By the way, I don’t know why I can’t post in the Bug Report

Very strange, in my test project, the “END” event never be triggered.
But after updating the script to official project, it can be triggered successfully in the official project.
The same script, the same animation, it can’t be triggered in the test project, and it works well in the official project.

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First off you can just do animation.Stopped to detect when an animation ends, but if you really need the end marker to work, please send the code where you connect that event to a function or where ever you are detecting the end event.

Have you tried adding debugging? (Try adding a print)

Of course I tried it and it won’t be triggered.

Very alarming. Are you sure that when you placed the marker “END” that you published and updated the animation. So that the marker would be there?

Yes, this is the script in my game, and it has been working well before
After the v484 update, both studio and player have this bug

I wasn’t referring to the game i was referring to the animation it self

when you said

I assume u meant players in-game

So I ask once more are you sure the animation your scripting right now has the updated animation one in your animation editor. which has “END” Are you completely sure its the one your playing(within your script). I believe you haven’t exported the animation that has the “END” marker.

The points you focus on don’t make much sense
I have given the animation ID. You can confirm it on the animation page
animation page

Please note that this animation has been working in my game for several months. This problem only appeared after the V484 update. Before that, everything was fine.

Very strange, in my test project, the “END” event never be triggered.
But after updating the script to official project, it can be triggered successfully in the official project.
The same script, the same animation, it can’t be triggered in the test project, and it works well in the official project.

This is very old post but i’ll solve it anyway in case anyone is looking for solution

So basically events that are set on the last keyframe usually won’t get triggered
To fix this just make another keyframe after the marked keyframe so like that the marked one won’t be the last