GetPivot() gets the wrong number of rotation

When I use GetPivot() on the command line, the result returns at “0”; Look at the image below, the rotation of the Y Axis is 45°;

GetPivot returns the Pivot, not the WorldPivot. Check out the pivotOffset.

How do I get the spin then? I used

print(math.deg(game.Workspace.table:FindFirstChildWhichIsA(“BasePart”). PivotOffset.Y))

and the result remained 0

Well in this case you could just type print(table.WorldPivot)

Keeps returning 0

CFrame.Rotation returns the CFrame w/ the position elements set to zero:

In other words you’re not pulling the vector3 you think are. You want CFrame:ToOrientation():

This however will return a tuple of three values that are in radians. So the final result you want will be:

local x, y, z = workspace.table.WorldPivot:ToOrientation()
print(math.deg(y)) -- this should print 45

You can return the Orientation of the primarypart of table.
table.PrimaryPart.Orientation = 0,45,0

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