My script is only getting one player, also it is a local script. It’s located in a textbutton, and its only printing one player’s name.
for _,p in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
My script is only getting one player, also it is a local script. It’s located in a textbutton, and its only printing one player’s name.
for _,p in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
so how many players are in game?
How are you testing the game? Like you host a Server where you Control 2 Clients or just normal testing?
My Bad. I have not thought about this well enough. That loop only loops through the Players once, then it does not loop anymore. The fix could just be putting it into a function:
local function PlayerJoined()
for _,p in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
oh my bad, i should’ve shown more explaining. The loop runs every time the textbutton gets activated.
I’m testing by controlling 2 clients.
You could try in pairs() instead of ipairs()
it still did not work with in pairs()
ok nevermind i did something and i managed to fix it.
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