:GetPropertyChangedSignal / .Changed not working on IntValue

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I want to find out how to remove this irritating issue, and why it occurs.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
local item = script.Parent


This is my script, very simple, but the issue is that the function does not fire. The value is reading as changed on the server, yet “hi” never prints.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I’ve searched and looked through multiple posts on this same topic, and a few say to flip between .Changed or :GetPropertyChangedSignal, and magically the code works. However, most are left unresolved. I am wondering if this is just an impossible issue to fix, and I need to rework this system.

Can I know how the item is changed? is it powered by Script or LocalScript ??

It is changed on a server script and I can see the value changing on the server.

Is the item itself on the server or workspace?

The item is under the player in the Players tab.

Scripts don’t run in the player, you can only put a LOCAL script in something like StarterPlayerScripts or StarterGui.

he said the item is in the player not the script you asked him for item yourself

The script is in the player because the first line says script.parent

Ahh, makes sense, I’ll just put my values and scripts elsewhere. Thank you.

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