Getting 0 premium payout for many days

My game has been having active premium players since the 23rd of July (ICT timezone) but the graph is showing that I have been making 0 Robux each day from 7/23 to 8/18 this is obviously very inaccurate. The only day the chart is displaying accurately is 8/19. This is not a UI bug because a Roblox staff has looked into this and confirmed that this is “accurate” with the data from Roblox. Please investigate my case and give out a solution, I have been asking for support multiple times.

Reply from a staff:

Screenshot of the Premium Payout chart of my game:

This issue is occurring in: Premium Hangout [🔊VOICE CHAT] - Roblox

Universe ID: 3325803762


Is anyone else having the same issue as mine?

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The answer to your problem is no-one is playing your game anymore, premium payouts only effect the game if premium player play. In your case you only have 900 visits with 0 active players this would mean that your game is not having any players witch would explain why you are not getting any robux. I repeat 900 visits isint enough to make 5k robux. My game with 33k visits made 900 robux.


I don’t think that makes any sense because my friend used to join my game for a few minutes and I still got paid one time I got 4 robux another time I got 9. There’s no source of information saying that the game needs to have constantly active premium players in order for me to get premium payouts. Also, the fact that your game has 33k visits doesn’t mean that you get more payout than I do because you might have fewer premium players in your game compared to mine and they might spend less time in your game.


July 16 - Today

Its how roblox works.

I don’t really understand what you meant through the screenshots…

Roblox will give you 0 robux sometimes, you cant always expect robux because a few premium players played as shown in my most recent reply.

Yes I do know about this but last month when I was still trying to get players to play my game I did actually had active premium players for almost everyday but I’ve stopped advertising it bc of the issue. Also, the premium playtime score would have shown 0 as well if that was the case. I’m pretty sure that this was a bug because the missing payouts are shown as “Projected Robux” and the staffs would have told me about it if the issue was that simple.

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Roblox sneakily whooped 1.2k out of my premium payout spike. Although the reason “UI Glitch” seems somewhat reasonable, I check my revenue summary every single day. Not one of them did I notice a change +1,200 on the pending tab.

Maybe they accidently whooped my whole graph then lol

I think it must’ve been a glitch that your Premium Payout page indicated that you’d make 5K Robux in Premium Payouts from a game with fewer than a thousand visits. That’s what I get from a game that gets 10K to 30K visits a day which always has around 100 concurrent players.

Very improbable that the place you linked to would have similar revenue for a day.

For comparison, here’s the graph of one of my games which has just under 10K visits:

And here’s another graph of another one of my games which also has just under 10K visits:

And lastly, here’s a game with only 300 visits:

If there was a glitch, it wasn’t that you were making 0 Robux.

A game with under 1K visits making 0 in premium payouts is very normal. Randomly getting 5K is not.

Note that there’s a ~30 day delay between projected Robux showing up on your graph and you actually receiving those Robux. You could still end up getting that 5K after all, in which case there was no error.

The math behind Premium Playtime Robux Earned is kind of confusing. Just because a Roblox Premium player is playing your game doesn’t mean much if they don’t stay for very long, and especially if they go on to play other games. Your game is competing against every other game that they play that day when Roblox calculates how much their visit to your game counts towards your Premium Playtime Score.


I don’t really care how much I’m supposed to get from the premium payout, it’s confirmed that the data for my premium payout is missing and I want the accurate data of my premium payout asap so I can buy Headless.

(sorry if I sound offensive, my English is not that great)

Let me make this clear - you will not be getting headless with premium payouts. That requires a lot of premium playtime.

I’ll just try to beg for donations for the rest of the amount of Robux I need left or I’ll use my own money which I hope that I don’t have to

Hey @DeniPinez23

We checked your game and this is what we found!
User activities for premium purchase on 7/23 and 7/25 are reflected on 8/19 and 8/21 respectively. Your actual payout is scheduled to happen on 9/16 and 9/18, and I can say the number is not 0!
Therefore, please contact me if the payment wasn’t processed on the dates mentioned!

I’m closing the thread since we are fairly sure this isn’t a bug!

why am I only getting payouts for only 2 days when I had premium players every day from 22/7 - 27/8 ?

I mean this in a good way, but how did you manage to post in Bug Reports?

I was just private messaging the bug report team then an admin approved it, probably to see if anyone else has the same issue

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I am having this issue, started two days ago (my game gets 100-300 Robux every day normally.)