Getting a motor6d to pivot a non-centralized object around a point

So I have two doorknobs set up

Both have a motor6d that’s intended to rotate to simulate the knob being turned, the right mesh has no issue, as it’s origin point is in it’s center, so it can rotate cleanly; the object on the left however, has a non-centralized pivot point, which causes extreme motor6d issues (it rotates along a completely different axis)

(I should note that welding it to a “root” object won’t work as I’m using tweens)

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Set your Motor6D C0 and C1 Vector3s to provide the offset.
The easiest way is to set the C0 to move the handle offset to where it needs to be, then set the C1 for the offset for the pivot of the handle.
Now you can tween the Orientation of the C1 to get the handle to rotate around those offsets.

Main issue I’m having is that setting the C0 orientation of both to the same value somehow produces completely different results (which is kind of the issue I was having beforehand), one for some reason rotates along the X axis using the X value while the other rotates along the X axis using the Z value.

Are you trying to turn it exactly 90°?
Try 89.5° instead.

Or you can try rotating the Part0 and Part1 to the same alignment so you work with Orientation 0,0,0 as a starting point.

CFrames can run into something called gimbal lock at precise 90 increments because you now align one of the axes with one of the others and it gets confused about orientation at that point.

Gimbal lock isn’t happening, even at lower rotation increments it still rotates along the wrong axis

Though I did eventually find out the issue had to do with the C0 Y axis of orientation being set to either 90 or -90 on the knobs, which was causing the issue

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