Getting a studio icon

I am trying to make an explorer and I need the player icon from studio
Unfortunately I am unable to find where it’s stored in studio’s files if at all
I have tried searching through various texture and UI folders and have found icons similar to it but not the exact same

This icon in case anyone is wondering
Screenshot 2023-11-29 231737
Expanded View of said icon
Screenshot 2023-11-29 231528

You could take a screenshot, though it may not be high quality. Or you could try reproducing it, doesn’t seem too hard.

They would normally be in:
C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\[latest version]\content\studio_svg_textures\Shared\InsertableObjects\Dark\Standard

But it seems like the Player instance is not in there for some reason, the Players service is though

Yes that’s where I got most of the other icons from

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