I have been working on a sandbox railway system which generates the rails with an algorithm, forming the rail piece with multiple smaller segments. What i want to do is be able to generate a part that will contain a SelectionBox that covers the area of the rail piece.
The smaller rail segments that make up the larger rail are stored as models in a folder. I’m not sure if i could use a model instead, and use a function built-in to models to get the absolute area of the model, or that doesn’t exist, and i need to use a more complex algorithm to calculate it.
here is an example of what i mean, but with the SelectionBox part hand-built:
local function createSelection(model)
local orientation, size = model:GetBoundingBox()
local p = Instance.new("Part")
p.Anchored = true
p.CFrame = orientation
p.Size = size
p.CanCollide = false
p.Transparency = 1
local s = Instance.new("SelectionBox")
s.Adornee = p
s.Color3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
s.Parent = p
p.Parent = workspace -- or where ever you want it placed.
this was un-tested and wrote in the forum reply, but hopefully it helps.
I’ve run into a problem. For some reason, every model’s generated part has one of its corners at Vector3(0,0,0). Is this something wrong with my implementation?
local htbx = Instance.new("Part", trckp)
local o, s = trckp:GetBoundingBox()
htbx.Name = "Hitbox"
htbx.Anchored = true
htbx.Size = s
htbx.CFrame = o
htbx.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
htbx.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
htbx.Transparency = 1
htbx.CanCollide = false
local slcb = Instance.new("SelectionBox", htbx)
slcb.Visible = false
slcb.Adornee = htbx
slcb.Color3 = Color3.fromRGB(134, 134, 134)
Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with your implementation, but I would like to make note that assigning a parent with-in the Instance.new() can mess with performance if you’re messing with properties afterwards.
Ok thanks for letting me know that. Its wierd, one of the corners is always at 0,0,0 even though i checked that all the parts and models are in the right spot