Getting Accessory ID from Accessory Model

I’m making a catalogue feature and when getting im having trouble getting Accessory ID from the model.
I tried Humanoid Description but it didn’t work becasue I’m using a rig so there is no player ID.

Can someone please help me.

So just to have some more clarity, are you creating those accessories using humanoid description or some other method?

I am creating them using the avatar importer tool built into roblox(import my avatar).

I believe in that case the data should be inside the humanoid description. You can fetch the current outfit with this:

local Desc = Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()

And in order to get all accessories you can do:

for index, value in Desc:GetAccessories(true) do -- True means you also get rigid accessories
    -- do stuff

Hope this helps! :smiley: