Getting all audio uploaded by a specific creator? (AssetService)

Hi! I am currently trying to use AssetService to get all of the songs uploaded by a specific creator. Inside of the Roblox Marketplace, you can filter audio by creator. It looks something like this:


What I had assumed would work is using AssetService:SearchAudio() and passing in a AudioSearchParams instance, specifying the SearchParams.Artist property. It looks something like this:

local searchParams ="AudioSearchParams")
searchParams.Artist= "ArtistName"
local success, result = pcall(function()
	return AssetService:SearchAudio(searchParams)

if success then			
	local currentPage = result:GetCurrentPage()
	for _, audio in currentPage do

This code was taken directly from the AssetService:SearchAudio() documentation. It does work, however, it doesn’t get the audio I am trying to search for. I am trying to search for the creator that uploaded the audio, not the artist tagged as the creator of the audio.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if clarification is needed!


I know you can do this via the Creator Store API, but that goes external so you will need to use a proxy of attempting from inside a Roblox experience:


This would work well, however, I was hoping for a way to get around using proxies and HTTP. I have heard that Roblox might be implementing a better way to access / search the marketplace, however, I have no idea what the timeline looks like nor do I know how well it would work or if it’s even going to get implemented.

Thank you for your help, but if there are any other solutions that would be ideal. If there isn’t anything else available, this is the best solution.

I use that exact same method to query the API to perform audio searches. You can build you own basic proxy using this info:

Been a while since I used it ass the internal API has now been opened up and I use that to run text queries for audio names, but it might fit your use case.

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