Getting an error on fireclient

Hello! I am Dev_Asher and I am working on a find the markers game remake, I made a script where when the player touched a marker or in this case a Bunny, it fires a remote event to the client where it will reward the player for finding the Bunny.

here is the script

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local Players = game:GetService('Players')

local BunnyFolder = workspace:WaitForChild('BunnysFolder')

local ReplicatedModules = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Modules'))
local RemoteModule = ReplicatedModules.RemoteService
local BunnysModule = ReplicatedModules.Bunnys

local SystemsContainer = {  }
local Debounce = {  }

local BunnyTouchedEvent : RemoteEvent = RemoteModule:GetRemote('BunnyTouched', 'RemoteEvent', false)

local selectedData = nil

local Module = {}

function Module:BunnyStack(BunnyID)
	return {
		ID = BunnyID,
		UUID = HTTPService:GenerateGUID(false)

local DB = false
function Module:CheckBunnyFromID(BunnyID, BunnyName)	
	for i, Bunny in pairs(BunnyFolder:GetChildren()) do
		if Bunny:IsA('Part') and Bunny.Parent == BunnyFolder then
				if DB == false then DB = true
					local LocalPlayer = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Hit.Parent)
					local Interface = LocalPlayer:WaitForChild('PlayerGui'):WaitForChild('Ui_Interface')
					local FoundBunnyUI = Interface:WaitForChild('BunnyFound')
					local LHUD = Interface:WaitForChild('LHUD')
					BunnyTouchedEvent:FireClient(LocalPlayer, Bunny)
					DB = false
			warn('Touched Part Not From Bunny Folder')

function Module:Init(otherSystems)

	SystemsContainer = otherSystems


return Module

It would be nice if you told us exactly where the error is coming from, and what type of error it is

Never mind I fixed it sorry for the trouble