I need the CursorPosition and SelectionStart properties of a TextBox after pressing a button, however if a button is pressed those properties are reset to -1, so how can I get those before they’re reset?
Current code:
local Frame = script.Parent
local Button = Frame.Button
local InputBox = Frame.InputBox
local Result = Frame.TextLabel
local CursorPos = InputBox.CursorPosition
local SelectionStart = InputBox.SelectionStart
Result.Text = string.format("%s, %s", CursorPos, SelectionStart)
Consider using ROBLOX’s UserInputService on the UI Object you have there. You’ll be able to retrieve coordinates of your mouse as a parameter with Input.Position
if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
print(Input.Position .. " - your mouse position when the UI was clicked")
You may also mimic the SelectionStart property by checking for input changes.
I don’t think you understood the question, I’m trying to get the selected parts of a TextBox, you know how you can click and drag over certain text and its highlighted in blue? I don’t want the mouse position
I got over this in the past by using GuiObject.InputBegan to check for MouseMovement for a custom MouseEnter event, using that whenever a mouse is hovered over the button, I assign the SelectionStart and CursorPosition to variables, when the button is pressed, I use information from the variables.
This way you’ll have saved the required properties for use, regardless of the fact that the properties reset when clicking outside of the TextBox.