I am trying to make a code that gets a player’s profile details (join date, current status and last online time and dat) from Users API. I was using Http service since I couldn’t find any other service for it.
I tried with :GetAsync() and :RequestAsync() but both caught error.
I would appreciate every little help!
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Use player.AccountAge
Save the os.date()
in a datastore when the player leaves.
Send an Http request
to the following link:
Here are some valuable recourses that will help you accomplish that:
Full list of links you can send a request to. ^
Let me know if you need further help!
Kind regards,
Thank you!
I’m not sure how to get a specific detail form the responsebody…
And the last online time, I mean online in roblox, for example, in the browser.
To my knowledge, I don’t know if there is any way to do that, but only last online in-game. This link:
returns all the info for the player, not including last online on the website.
The responsebody will have to be decoded into a Lua table for it to work by using Json:Decode()
I hope this addresses all the enquiries you might have. Good luck!
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Here is a function to get the table he was talking about:
function getPlayerData(UserId)
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local url = "https://users.rprxy.xyz/v1/users/"..tostring(UserId)
local result
local success, fail = pcall(function()
result = http:GetAsync(url)
if result and success then
return http:JSONDecode(result)