Getting error: Info: single part asset create call failed HTTP StatusCode: 500

I am trying to upload a normal for a rock PBR texture. This is so i can use that texture for a cave.

the issue is that it wont upload and gives me the error
“single part asset create call failed HTTP StatusCode: 500”
full error:
PublishService AssetUpload failed. Info: single part asset create call failed HTTP StatusCode: 500, Message:

I have tried to restart studio, uploading diffrently and trying in a diffrent experience and i still have the same issue.

i read something about the place fil being too big and to fix that you could remove some terrain and meshes from the game but it didnt help.


I think its too big. Use lower quality

I have the same error, characters

I lowered the polygon count to the minimum and it still won’t let me import

500 HTTP is prolly a server error, maybe report a bug?

yes i was thinking about that, but now with another model i let me import it :/, i didn’t change anything and it’s even 20k polygons

Im pretty sure a roblox texture has to be under 2 million bytes or smth, pretty much only 1k normals work.

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