Getting errors "do not run what you just ran (vulnerable function)"

In the recent days I am getting some client side errors in the game logs, containing the text
“…do not run what you just ran (vulnerable function)” at places where in a Local script is called

What can be the reason for such errors?

Thank you in advance


We would like to help you but in this case we would really appreciate if you agree to provide us part of the script that handles MarketplaceService:PromptGamePassPurchase and MarketplaceService:PromptProductPurchase :slightly_smiling_face:

These are very simple calls.
first parameter - the player
second parameter - the product/gamepass id
There is nothing else on this row, whose number is given in the error log.

the output thinks it’s playing a horror game :joy:

in all seriousness, a couple of my buddies and I have been getting this too, but it doesn’t seem to affect any gameplay. the error seems to appear on local scripts and server scripts, and unfortunately I can’t give a good reason for this. I hope somebody more experienced could explain this to us.


Random guess: perhaps third party purchases if they’re disabled in game settings

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