Getting group monthly payout to excel

Hello, I am trying to do something in excel and I needed to know monthly revenue of robux in my group, Just I don’t know how to do it. I was trying to look in cloud API keys which I am not sure if they even have this option, any help where i could find it or if its even possible? thanks!

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Hey! :wave:

I only really know how to do this on google sheets, which is bassicly googles excel. I hope thats fine.

Step 1

Go to your groups revenue tab and press the download button.

Step 2

Select the desired month.

Step 3

Download the csv file they send you via email and unzip it.

Step 4

Open a spreadsheet and press file.
then import

Step 5

Then import the unzipped csv file.

Then import data.
Then boom, you have your rare revenue data.

Please reply if you need any further help, or if this just didnt work lol.

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and, is it somehow possible to automaticly update it?

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I dont believe theres a way of updating it automatically, but I’d suggest only taking these month by month statistics on the 1st the next month.
Example, if you want the stats for june, you’re gonna wanna download the csv file on july 1st.

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You could probably update it automatically with some kind of bot, but I couldnt tell you how that works though lol

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