When trying to get certain information to get a player information, such as their account age, what role are they in a certain group etc. It always returns with nil or nothing since they are not in game. If I were to try this with the player in-game it would all work.
I am aware that I need to use some sort of API to get the information outside of the platform however I do not have a clue on how to use the API.
if command == Prefix .. "w" or command == Prefix .. "whois" then
local UserIDSplit = tonumber(split[2])
if UserIDSplit then
local SearchedPlayerName = Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(UserIDSplit)
print("Found: " .. SearchedPlayerName)
local function SuccessMessageInfo()
CommandInputBox.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(124, 255, 124)
CommandInputBox.Text = "Success in finding: " .. SearchedPlayerName .. " from ID: " .. UserIDSplit
CommandInputBox.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
CommandInputBox.Text = ""
local profile = Players:GetPlayerByUserId(UserIDSplit)
-- Check if the player is currently in the game
local SearchedPlayer = Players:GetPlayerByUserId(UserIDSplit)
if SearchedPlayer then
if not DeveloperModule.isDeveloper(SearchedPlayer) then
print(SearchedPlayerName .. " is not a developer")
print(SearchedPlayerName .. " is a developer")
local Ingame = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(SearchedPlayerName)
if Ingame then
print("Currently in game")
print("Not in game server")
local RankInGroup = SearchedPlayer:GetRankInGroup(groupID)
print("Community Group Role: " .. (RankInGroup or "Guest"))
print(SearchedPlayerName .. " is not currently in the game")
if not DeveloperModule.isDeveloper(SearchedPlayerName) then
print(SearchedPlayerName .. " is not a developer")
print(SearchedPlayerName .. " is a developer")
CommandInputBox.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 124, 124)
CommandInputBox.Text = "You must input the player's user ID instead."
CommandInputBox.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
CommandInputBox.Text = ""
@AlexPalex178@12345koip, What would the HTTPs Service look like for the group for a example. So like how would I gather the player information from a group through HTTP service and what proxy would you recommend.
What information do you need from the group? Player:IsInGroup() and Player:GetRankInGroup() should surely work (edit: nevermind i realise they wont be in the game).
As for the retrieval, I don’t know what proxy to use as I don’t tend to use the HttpService, but here is what the structure might look like:
local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local link = "https://" --finish the link with your link
--make the request
local success, response = pcall(httpService.GetAsync, httpService, link)
if success then
--it worked. Decode the response from the proxy. It should end up as a table.
response = httpService:JSONDecode(response)
Basically its a command that search up player information even if they are not in the game server. However now thinking about how hard it is now, might just make it so it only works with the players that are current in the game server and not that are outside the server
If you own the group, you can search manually through rank names anyway. If it was me making this system, I’d have it so you can retrieve data store information and other things that can be done without HTTP requests and only do this, without really going out of your way to save it to a store. It’s up to you, though. You’d need to look into some proxys.