Getting lots of studio crashes - extremely difficult to develop

Been having these problems all day as well. Glad to know I’m not the only one.


I get my properties or explorer windows’ responses stopped, a temporary fix for that is changing desktop or restarting Studio.

What I mean by ‘responses stopped’:

Step 1: Select a random object, for me it was the sound in the explorer.
Step 2: Do some changes in it.
Step 3: Attempt deselect.
Step 4: Properties still shows the properties of the sound object in explorer and the selection in the explorer tends to be unchanged when selecting something else.

There are multiple ways to do it, but I didn’t really observe it carefully when the properties suddenly froze on me.

This problem happens inconsistently. I believe it comes from other programs running in the background first.

Test 1: Without any programs in the background.
Result: Respond hacks up a bit then proceeds.
Side Note: This test was inconsistent, sometimes it freezes until actions were done.

Test 2: With a few programs in the background.
Result: Respond freezes, unfrozen by a few seconds.
Side Note: This test was inconsistent, sometimes it freezes until actions were done.

Test 3: My usual preference of amount of programs in the background.
Result: Respond freezes, only unfrozen upon change on desktop or window.
Side Note: This test was inconsistent, sometimes it freezes until actions were done.

In conclusion: There’s something freezing a few windows in the Studio; causes crashes a bit more frequent.

Further Information Request: What do you have in the Workspace?
Another test needs to be done this way:
• Edit in an empty baseplate.
• Edit(s) in a workspace with only certain elements.
• Edit in a functional game.

Information Needed: How long does it take before crash? If it all goes beyond 10 minutes or crashes exists in all objects inserted, then it can be analyzed as inconclusive.

TL;DR - Test the Studio by experimenting with certain objects in the game; I don’t have a problem with this except properties freezing on me.


This is happening to me aswell, I’m in the script editor and attempt to select something on the explorer, doesn’t work at all, just a long freeze, if I try to open another script while having one open (and maximized) it doesn’t work at all. If I “minimize” the scripts open I can select anything in the explorer just fine, same goes for closing all of them. This usually starts happening 10~ minutes after the place was opened which makes it so I have to restart studio every 10 minutes.

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I’ve been getting this as well.

If I’m editing a script and try to navigate the explorer menu, it takes years to update the properties window and highlight what I navigated.

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To further expand on testing, I ran studio with these flags:

    "FFlagStudioTerrainToolsInLuaWidget": false,
    "FFlagOptimizedUIListLayoutUpdate3": false,
    "FFlagPluginManagerSignalOnDelete": false, 
    "FFlagLuaWidgetsUI": true,
    "FFlagGraphicsGLRestoreMainContext": false,
    "FFlagStudioCreatePluginWidgets": true,
    "FFlagLuaPluginAPIChanges": true,
    "FFlagFixIncorrectScrollingFrameBounds": false,
    "FFlagStudioFixPluginWidgetDeleteLater" : false

This test had PluginGui still enabled but some features such as the terrain plugin (which I suspect) and some others turned off.

Once I did that, studio has not crashed or lagged up for the past few hours.

Oh yeah, and I made sure the place I tested on would be laggy enough to balance up with other existing ones lol

And @Sharksie, I would label this thread [ROBLOX CRITICAL] as it’s nearly every user.


My studio hasn’t been crashing, however has since the update been lagging, making it difficult to develop (good specs).

I believe it may have something to do with the terrain tool, as @GammaShock said disabling the flag for widget terrain tools seems to resolve most issues.

I’ve been scanning through the source of the terrain tools which I grabbed from builtinplugins for a while now, I’ll get back to you all on that.

Edit: This is quite apparent when navigating explorer while editing a script.

Studio starts off good and then progressively gets worse (memory leak???)

:thinking: image

looks like they’re trying to run RenderStepped.RenderStepped:wait() because they messed up the runService variable??


I’ve fixed that up and replaced the current built in terrain plugin with it. So far I’ve experienced no lag, hmu if you want it.

Edit: Emailed with the issues and patch asking to talk to an engineer, got brushed off to the faq studio page so we’ll see how this goes.


I’ve been crashing extremly frequently also. Normally happens when opening a script,entering or exiting testing. I’ve also found that large scripts with 8000+ lines has slow response time.


Yeah, I described the same issue on my previous post. Now, I believe, that is due to an update to the studio’s intellisense or auto completion, it looks like to check more variables on the whole script for every cycle, when you select something.

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Like many other people have already noted here, the crash occurs for me when I have the script editor open and try to do things (open scripts/view object children) in the Workspace pane.

Edit: It has also happened to me when trying to close scripts in the script editor.

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Studio is basically un-usable at this point for me holding me back from developing.


Unsure if this is related, but I’ve had this issue happen a lot since the update:
Repo steps:
Resize any of the widgets (built in or made) and this will occur.
Specs are as follows:

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I’m not getting this error. Are you using team create?

Edit: Even with team create, I cannot reproduce this. I guess it could be specific for your specs or studio version?

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Occurs in all instances of Studio.

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That is strange, I’ll keep trying. Is it possible you could open studio on a different device and see if that is happening?

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I have a spare computer lying around somewhere. Will check.

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I don’t think I ever showed my laptop specs, here they are:


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I haven’t experienced any crashes, however I do get a significant slow down over time.

Remember a year ago or whenever how clicking on things in the Explorer would cause freezing for a few seconds as time went on? I’m getting that again. And the script editor begins to stutter over time as well. Restarting studio fixes.

EDIT: And since I’m restarting so often, I’m noticing the script tab reload feature (which reopens scripts when you reopen game) is not saving sometimes, but I’m not sure if it’s related. Maybe it’s been funky and I’m only noticing now because I have to restart so often.


My studio is also fine, some strange lags every half hour or so but reopening fixes it. Seems like a memory leak then.

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