Getting # of players within a place in a universe

How would I accomplish this?
It would probably utilize HttpService and a proxy/web app of some kind; I don’t know where to start. seems reliable, but if you have the infrastructure budget, you should set up an independent proxy.


You could use DataStores, but what you suggested seems better.

You’d firstly want to set up a rough idea of what you want it to do; maybe grab a piece of paper and pencil and sketch what steps you want it go through.

Usually you’d add/remove a player when they join/leave, send that update to the web app, then what you do from there is up to you. Most of the time it’s just a case of doing a get request every second or so.

Here’s a brief example:

local PlayerData = {NumPlayers = 0}

    local Data = {UserId = player.UserId, Leaving = false}
    -- data to send, userid for adding/removing from a dictionary for example
    Data = HttpService:JSONEncode(Data)
    -- encode to JSON (table -> string) since you can't send tables through HttpService

    local Data = {UserId = Player.UserId, Leaving = true}
    Data = HttpService:JSONEncode(Data)

while wait(1) do
    PlayerData = HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync("url"))

On the web app you’d want to insert/remove values from the data you have there when a post request is called, and on a get request you’d return whatever data you need to use.

You could use Google Spreadsheets, as it’s free and it won’t be much of a handicap unless you are having a lot of players in a single place at once time.

DigitalOcean banned me from their services. Still don’t know how to set a proxy up though and use it to find the # of players.

You could always just make a new account, couldn’t you?

Unless I use a new email.

I made a feature request before that would of made this so easier if happened.

If you only need the amount of players in a place, then that could be found on the roblox site using http services.

I’m pretty sure I answered a question like this before, not sure if it’s exactly what you want but take a look.

You can’t web scrape the # of players in a place within a universe.

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Is there a web api to get the running servers with the players in the servers? I can just add up the players in them.

Just made a video on this… check it out!

I’m not looking for datastores.

your question was “Getting # of players within a place in a universe” that video I linked accomplishes it.

I’m looking for web endpoints that could.

well then there is none.