There is no solution posted, if he would have solved his own problem, (I hope) he would have posted that he solved it. Also, I agree with @lightning121001, 14 days really isn’t that old bro.
Here is my suggestion overall. It is going to be a nightmare, and probably not performant at all, to make the hammer physics with scripts alone. My suggestion would be to use physics constraints. Cast the mouse position onto the 2D plane that the player is meant to move on, and use an AlignPosition to move the hammer head towards the mouse position. Have the hammer connected to a root part on the player using a Prismatic Constraint, allowing it to move in and out. The root part can be connected by a hinge constraint to the player to allow the assembly to rotate 360 degrees around the player. As long as the player is not anchored, this should work perfectly.
Thank you to anyone who has been trying to help with this topic.
Fortunately, I have found the solution, what I did was I made an Arm attached to the Cube and then I set the Arm’s position to be between the Hammer and the Cube.
After that, I made the Hammer be between the Mouse and the Arm and it worked successfully with a few Lerpings and CFrame.lookAt()'s.
This is how it looks as of right now:
How do you make the character a cube?
I made all parts of the player transparent, removed all accessories,
created a cube upon player join, set cube size to like,3,3) and then moved it to the player’s rootpart position and gave it a little bit of -Y offset so it’s on the ground.
What are the chances that you could make a full tutorial on how to do this?