Getting player ID

So I want to make a safe guard so only the owner of the tycoon can reset the values but it seems like buttons can’t retrieve player info? Any way I can do this


if player.UserId == tycoon:GetAttribute("UserId") then
	fluidJumppower.Value = 0
	stability.Value = 0


MouseButton1Click returns the x and y of the players mouse. Simply use game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId

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Assuming its a local script, we can get the local player:


if game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId == tycoon:GetAttribute("UserId") then
	fluidJumppower.Value = 0
	stability.Value = 0

function(player), roblox doesn’t give the player in a Object they clicked on the client.

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Ahhh thanks for the clarification!

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