I have this code which gets a players accessories from their HumanoidDescription, and converts the strings to Folders (that’s what Converter.Convert() does) and this is so I can use data stores to store their current look. However, this feels really long and messy, espcecially since I’m gonna have to do this several more times for all the other accessories (shoulder, back, waist, etc)
for _, id in ipairs(humanoidDescription.HatAccessory:split(',')) do
if id ~= '' then
local Item = id
local NewValue = Converter.Convertr(Item)
NewValue.Name = id
NewValue.Parent = PlayerData.Character['Hats']
for _, id in ipairs(humanoidDescription.HairAccessory:split(',')) do
if id ~= '' then
local Item = id
local NewValue = Converter.Convertr(Item)
NewValue.Name = id
NewValue.Parent = PlayerData.Character['Hairs']
for _, id in ipairs(humanoidDescription.FaceAccesssory:split(',')) do
if id ~= '' then
local Item = id
local NewValue = Converter.Convertr(Item)
NewValue.Name = id
NewValue.Parent = PlayerData.Character['Face Accesssories']