I have a discord bot for Roblox stuff, and I’m making a command where you can get the RAP of a specified user. Problem is, the function I used was based off Luau coding Get the player's RAP - #13 by Forummer
The problem is, whenever the specified user has a next cursor, it keeps looping the cursor forever. I’ve tried to check if the cursor was empty, or if the cursor was the same as the next one, or if the next one was the same as the previous. Some of them worked for some of the issues I was facing, especially with inventories with no next cursor.
Here’s the script:
const firs_ = await message.reply("Calculating...")
async function getRap(userId, RAP, cursor) {
const RAP_T = []
RAP = RAP || 0
cursor = cursor || ''
console.log(cursor, RAP)
try {
const response = await fetch('https://inventory.roproxy.com/v1/users/' + userId + '/assets/collectibles?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100&cursor=' + cursor, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
const result = await response.json()
for (let i of result['data']) {
if (i.recentAveragePrice) {
RAP += i.recentAveragePrice
firs_.edit("Calculating... Current RAP: " + RAP)
console.warn("Current RAP is", RAP)
if (cursor !== result['nextPageCursor'] && result['nextPageCursor'] !== '' && result['nextPageCursor'] !== result['previousPageCursor']) {
cursor = result['nextPageCursor']
getRap(userId, RAP, cursor)
} else {
console.log("Finished calculating!")
return RAP_T;
} catch(err) {console.warn("Error..", err); await message.reply("Error occured while calculating rap!"); RAP_T.push(0)}
return RAP_T;
const args = message.content.split(' ')
let _RBX_ID = args[1]
if (isNaN(Number(_RBX_ID))) {
const user_i = await stuffer.getIdFromUsername(_RBX_ID)
_RBX_ID = user_i
const RAP_T = await getRap(_RBX_ID);
await message.reply("**" + await stuffer.getUsernameFromId(_RBX_ID) + "** has " + RAP_T[0] + "$ RAP!")
is the same cursor as: