Getting started scripting

So, I am having trouble learning the Roblox Lua language, and learning scripting. Any tips on how I can learn? I have watched countless videos, but I guess what I am really looking for is to learn all of the terms and what they do. I don’t want to just learn how to do one specific task, like “How to make a lava block that kills you when you step on it”. What I want to learn is ALL of the terms in LUA and exactly what they do.

If you don’t understand my question, please reply with your question. I REALLY need help.


When I first started to want to learn to script, the reason was because I wanted to make some zombie game. So I wrote down everything I needed to do in order to actualise this game, and I quite quickly realised I didn’t know how to do X or Y, so I learned through both trial and error, watching tutorials which covered similar things but not the exact thing and so I was forced to use them but in my own way. This is unlike watching a tutorial for a lava brick because while touching that might kill you, maybe you want this one to team you or to make you explode, and you need to combine multiple tutorials and good old trial and error. The best way to learn is to just starting doing. You’ll learn from mistakes and with this all the lua terms you’ll need. Read the wiki a lot too, they cover a lot of great stuff. Good luck!


What I recommend is that you learn the basics from AlvinBlox, Peasfactory(though his tutorials are a little outdated), or TheDevKing.

When learning LUA, you should learn concepts. If you want to learn how to make x, learn how x works and apply it in a script.
Basically what you should do is learn the basics, then learn FE(Filtering Enabled, AlvinBlox has a really good tutorial on it). You should also learn UserInputService, TweenService, etc. Remember don’t focus everything on trying to look for tutorials on how you can make something, learn the concepts behind it and why it works.


There’s no quick way to learning, you have to take the time and effort into reading code over and over again if you don’t understand it, until it’s understandable to your sense.

Also it’s easier to learn something if you enjoy doing it as a passion. If you truly like programming, then nothing will stop you from learning.


Thank you guys a whole lot, but I have a few more questions I would like to ask.

1.) How do I learn to use blender? (I feel really dumb, and have no clue what any of the tools in blender do)

2.) I have a group called Passion United, and we just launched a game that we charge 30 robux to access. Is this a good strategy for new developers? Or am I just plain dumb? We have sold 3 people access already, but I am finding it hard.

1.) Learn Blender from tutorials on YouTube. Learn the fundamentals of 3D modelling, not specific stuff.

2.) That’s plain dumb, you actually gotta build trust between your players and developers.

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