What do you want to achieve?
I want to get the players profile picture as a link, not a rbx asset thing. -
What is the issue?
There is no errors, the webhook gets sent without issues expect the fact that there is no pfp. -
What solutions have you tried so far?
I have tried all the HTTP stuff like :GetAsync and :PostAsync and a couple more that I dont remember the name of but none of them worked when I tried getting the pfp from the Thumbnails Api v1, but it said that I cant access roblox API, I also tried this proxy thing, but this didnt work as well bc it sends the webhook but the image doesnt get sent.
local plr = game:GetService("Players"):WaitForChild("cakeycocoa")
local desc = plr.DisplayName.."(@"..plr.Name..") ".."purchased: "..tostring(reverseProductSearch(sets.products, 28460459)).."("..tostring(28460459)..")"
--local pfpDataTable = HTTP:GetAsync("https://thumbnails.roblox.com/v1/users/avatar?userIds="..plr.UserId.."&size=420x420&format=Png&isCircular=false")
--local pfpUrl = pfpDataTable.data[1].imageUrl
local data = {
content = nil,
["embeds"] =
["title"] = "Product Purchased!",
["description"] = desc,
["url"] = "https://www.roblox.com/users/"..plr.UserId.."/profile",
["color"] = 4062976,
["author"] = {
["name"] = "Product Alert!"
["thumbnail"] = {
["url"] = "http://www.rprxy.xyz/Thumbs/Avatar.ashx?x=420&y=420&Format=Png&userId=" .. plr.UserId
["footer"] = {
["text"] = DateTime.now():ToIsoDate()
attachments = {}
HTTP:PostAsync(Webhook, HTTP:JSONEncode(data))
(This is made to run on start for now)