so I have a dictionary of more dicitonarys and i want to get the “Damage” Value of the dictionarys thats inside the first one. but i cant seem to find a way to do so, ive tried returning the dictionary in a function and alot of other ways but it keeps printing nil. heres the current script please tell me if you need any more information
local LcomboRemote = game.ReplicatedStorage.LCombo
local CombatModule = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.CombatModule)
local ComboDicionary = {
["1"] = {
Animation = nil,
Damage = 10
["2"] = {
Animation = nil,
Damage = 10
["3"] = {
Animation = nil,
Damage = 10
["4"] = {
Animation = nil,
Damage = 10
["5"] = {
Animation = nil,
Damage = 10
local UniqueCombos = {
local function getinfo()
return ComboDicionary
LcomboRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, ComboString, LCombo)
for Key,Value in pairs(ComboDicionary) do
if tostring(LCombo) == Key then