Getting UniverseID from PlaceID without proxy

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    is there an easier way for me to get the universe id of a game from the place id?
  2. What is the issue?
    the standard “HttpService is not allowed to access ROBLOX resources”. im still learning the API, and running my own proxy seems quite difficult and time consuming. Is there a different way for me to achieve this?
  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    older posts on this topic didn’t help much at all, just advising to use roproxy which doesn’t seem to have this endpoint?
local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
placeid = 5357203396

local data = httpService:GetAsync(""..placeid.."/universe")
data = httpService:JSONDecode(data)
local uni = data.UniverseId 

any help appreciated, im new to the api :smile:

If you are trying to access another game’s ID, then no. You’ll need to use a proxy.

However, if you want to find out the ID of the game the code is running in, then you can use game.GameId

well, that sucks. what proxy would you recommend?

There are posts that will help you with this, please research before posting :slight_smile:

I tried that before, but I don’t know how to bypass the http 401 error

use instead of

this is the endpoint im using:


cant use roblox api services

My bad, I just now realized that you wanted to use HttpService to get the place’s UniverseId.