GFX Commission Sheet Feedback

Made this, looks pretty bland imo. What do you guys think?

Have a great day,


Bland? They look pretty great imo


It looks pretty great!. However, I think the text for “Thumbnails” and “Icons” along with their prices are a bit squished together. It make it look too cramped. I would suggest either making them smaller or making the icons a little smaller. Otherwise, it looks pretty good!


It looks good, but the reason it feels “bland” is that there’s so much empty space. Utilize the space in a better way to fill the entire image.

I think that having larger font for “THUMBNAILS” and “ICONS” and spacing the text out would also be beneficial. You could even try laying everything out differently so it doesn’t look like a singular, vertical column.

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Looks good, too good to be charging so little. Just over a dollar for a great looking icon? Wow
Might want to add your full username as the watermark is vague, or better yet, your socials/talent hub


Awwwww. But I wanted to get that sweet deal. Nah, I’m just joking but I do agree that they are quite underpriced. I would think anywhere From 1k to 4k would be reasonable for the amount of design, rendering, and effort put into it.

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Looks good, but maybe try to add just a few more thumbnails/icons, and also maybe change the font, because the corners of your thumbnails and icons are rounded, so a font with rounded corners would in my opinion fit well!
The other problem is the bland background - I don‘t really know how you could fix it, but I hope you‘ll find a solution!

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Wow if I see a game with this icon I’ll automatically click! Great work! I don’t know what you should add.

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It’s perfectly good enough for business.
Maybe less well for an art competition, but this isn’t the subject anyways.


You sure have improved since your school RP Gfx!

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These GFXs look good, nice job on them!

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