(GFX DESIGNER) Cheap GFX Payments- 100 Or more- (HIRED)

About Me

Hey, i am KonePlayz, i am a GFX Designer, I Have been making GFX’s for a while and a lot of people seem to like it!


Here are my Best GFX’s! I Have many more but I just put my best ones


Depends really. so it might be at anytime!


Only 100 Or More Robux!


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord, My Username: KonePlayzYT#0570

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Not trying to be rude but these are overpriced. my recommended price is 100 - 200

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I will lower them :slight_smile:

This is too cheap dude, go 200-500. That’ll be better

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I will raise it soon, and contact me if u need me for ur game

I’m a GFX artist myself. I’m just pouring some knowledge to you. that’s all!


I’m interested in buying a thumbnail for our game i added you on discord
mine is: Bruh123#0655

(If you are still able to do things i just realised you’re already hired)

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cool gfx im interested in buying one for my game mine is alrighty_dev#6893.

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Heres my opinions on them, though they do seem interesting.

Picture 1: The scene looks good, though you can see the cutoff from terrain to baseplate, & the banner in the top left is unmatching
Picture 2: The soldiers are standing unnaturally, and the lighting could’ve been darker and maybe more eary since it’s more of an army GFX, though all in all good work

I hope you can maybe use these notes to refine your current work or have new ideas for future work. Thanks!

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Hello I’ll like to buy a GFX 𝕵𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖂𝖆𝖘𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖓#1340

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