I’m currently a In-Training GFX designer, I’ve made quite a few and am somewhat familiar with blender on a level. I use Paint.net & Pixlr.com to edit, though I have bought Adobe Photoshop. I’d like to know how to improve and also, what fonts really stick out?
The text on the second artwork is too bright and so blends into the background and the top artwork text should be centred, apart from that I really like what you’ve done! Keep it up!
Thanks for the feedback, I’ll try to keep it less blended. Means a lot.
For the first one the girl looks kind of stiff, and the Dunkin’ Donuts font is not the best looking font for that logo. There also seems to be a bit of weird shadowing/black spots on her leg.
I cannot really recommend any fonts but I can give you a few websites with some fonts.
For the second one, it is a bit bright, there also seems to be some more black particles near his arms, I would highly recommend searching for a lightroom online.
Your graphics are good I would just look into finding a better lightroom or making your own. Otherwise good job, keep up the good work!
These pictures are good, although the first one gives no hint except for the title itself that it’s Dunkin’ Donuts. It’s just a girl standing, maybe give her the uniform worn by Dunkin’ Donut employees? Also maybe blur the background less?
Good job besides that!
Hey there! First of all, I just want to say that considering you are an in-training GFX designer, these are not bad whatsoever. They came out pretty decent in my opinion.
Things that I think you can improve for the first GFX is maybe the border, going a tad bit thinner and maybe including an object of some sort to represent the group, as suggested before-
although it’s not entirely necessary to do so, I think it could add a somewhat nicer visual appearance. For the second one, the font could have been made a slight bit darker, but otherwise I think it’s pretty neat for what you have got as a one in training as I mentioned previously.
Both fonts look nice on their own; however, I think that the first one sticks out and is much more ‘!!!’ than the other one, probably due it being two completely different colors rather than the second one having a somewhat similar tone.
Hope this helps and good luck with your future GFX!
I’d say that the lighting on your renders is a tad bit too flat. You should look into creating lighting using HDRIs (Image based lighting) or with lamps. Ambient occlusion lighting is kinda bad practice (not talking about AO maps). You should also look into using materials on your characters to make them a bit shiny rather than just a flat diffused material.