GFX | Doctor Strange

Practice GFX

Let me know what you guys think
Advice critiques always appreciated.


This looks very detailed and impressive.
Amazing job.

Did you make it on Blender? Or Roblox Studio? That looks great!

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I used blender to make it and the edits were done on photoshop. Thanks

It’s superb, the face looks more like Robert Downey Jr. than Dr. Strange but that doesn’t change it from being amazing!

The symbol in the bottom left corner looks a little weird, is that just the watermark?

Yeah, thats my watermark for all my GFX, just so no one steals it, or it deters people from doing so.

Alright, just wasn’t sure. I wanted to clarify that before giving feedback. I think overall it is amazing! I think you should do a 1:1 size for that GFX though, because that GFX would look awesome in a 1:1 size. Other than that, it is great, but I don’t recommend uploading it to a roblox game for copyright purposes.

I love the effects and shading! Really good work!