GFX Effects Feedback

I have just made a GFX for practicing effects for my ROBLOX GFX. All the effects are from the killer GFX pack and are not owned by me. This was all for practice and I want to see peoples opinions of this GFX.


For some reason I think there should be something in the top right corner idk what though.

I was trying to go for a cave look, so I don’t know what you quite mean.

The effect looks too cropped, and has no light influence on the characters. Decide what and where your effects will be before rendering so you can make them have light influence.

First of all, the image is lacking details. Try adding some details to the dark black areas.
I suggest rendering characters in Blender, C4D, etc. I think the characters would be better if the face was brighter!
Other than that, great job.

Ok that’s good. Just bright it up in the corner.

The characters were rendered in blender, and the title is GFX effects feedback, not GFX feedback.

I used a HDRI. When I went to render mode it was all blurry. But I’ll try next time!

Maybe you should’ve added some details in blender before slapping the killer pack effects together?
well, you might need to put helmets and give something to what looks to be a tunnel than a building’s entrance. oh, and don’t forget the guns.

Thats all I can say

Can you expand like what details? So I can do it next time

It was rendered in Cycles not Eevee.

you can add bloom through the compositor

Can you send a screenshot? Please

Nevermind found it

I think the effects should be more brighter to make the GFX pop more. But, that’s just a personal preference.

Very bland, make the fire or whatever that orange is and add a lights that act as rim light on the character sides then add another source of rim light to contrast it. The scene itself is also very lacking but ill only comment on the effects.

I see you are trying to make a cave, If using blender add some bevel and use cycles.

GFX overall looks okay looks like you used blender the effects are kinda bland if you want to make cool effects like explosion, fire, and smoke use embergen. I don’t know if this is your first try but did a okay job with the render. :+1:

It doesn’t look realistic, with the hole in the background. Make it curvier, the light looks fake, and there should be a background for it, maybe a HDRI. The posture isn’t very special and pretty bland, but it looks cool!

this looks very epic, i think the cropping leaves too much space in the image on the top and sides, and maybe the white glowing backround could be further away or more detailed, non the less i give it a 8.9/10