GFX Feedback (12 P.M Study Session)

What do you think of my latest GFX? It took me about 2 days but I’m very happy with how it turned out:

I’d appreciate it if you could tell me what to fix or what to add so I can improve on the next GFXs I make.
Thank you and have a nice day.
[I believe I put this on the wrong category so I changed it to Cool Creations]


This looks excellent, amazing job on the lighting. I would recommend making the watermark more transparent as it was one of the first things I saw without thinking.

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I apologise I am very overprotective of my work, especially if they take a long time

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Looks great! Although since he’s reading a book you could add a lamp by his side since it would be quite dark to read the other part of the book. (Since the right part has light, provided by the window I assume) Although it’s probably because I’m used to reading with my room lights open so I’m not used to seeing this types of atmosphere/lighting when reading.

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It was worth the time invested, incredible work

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I understand since you don’t want to get your GFX stealed that you wrote “Nikolas7GT” on it. However, if you’re planning to keep your name (or signature) that way to upload it or sell it, or whatever you want, you should make it a bit more transparent and not 100% white, or else I think it’s really disturbing for the eye, but again I do understand that you put it that way for here so you don’t get it stealed. Other than that, it’s an amazing GFX, rarely saw so amazing one, continue the great work!

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Looks amazing, Only suggestion I have is adding more lighting toward the character , Otherwise, It’s excellent!

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I really like the lightning on this GFX, it gives off a very cozy feeling. I’d say it’s pretty good. Keep it up!

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Like you did with the string lights I feel like if you added some brightness coming from the laptop it would add a little bit more realism. Other than that everything looks pretty good!

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Maybe add some more lighting to the guy and change the opacity of the “watermark” to 45 other than that it looks amazing

I can really tell you put time into this it looks amazing! Well done.

Pretty sick and realistic your obviously talented dude keep up that great work

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I just love the lighting so realistic

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It looks nice, but it would look better if you add some lamps near the character so it would look more appealing.