Gfx feedback - cllmiq's gfxs


Hi there! I am a GFX designer, able to make cartoon and rendered graphics. I am looking for some feedback! I use blender for rendering and posing, and Pixlr E for cartoon GFXs / editing renders. You can check my portfolio for more examples and comment feedback on that too! Currently, I am looking for some feedback on this



That looks awesome!
If I had to give feedback,
I would say maybe use a different color and maybe texture for the banner.
(The banner in the top left corner that reads “V1”)
Great job though!


Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I’ll make sure to keep those notes in mind for my future cartoon GFXs!

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This GFX is good, I like the sunburst effect that you put in it and you made it simple as possible. Overall it is a very great GFX


Very nice attention to detail.

I do feel like the text at the center could be made to stand out, more. It currently uses the same color as the background, which, even with a white border around it, makes it just a bit harder to read.

Also, it is my opinion that, when it comes to game thumbnails, the image should explain the core aspect of your game quickly and concisely. Looking at this thumbnail, I still don’t really know what the game is about. There appears to be a chef hat above the text, but what does that have to do with “Sunset Plains?”

Hope this helped! (Here’s a thumbs up for your work, btw. :+1:)

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Thank you for the feedback! I’ll note that for my future GFXs. (:

Thank you for the feedback! I’ll note that for my future GFXs. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nice GFX! Love it! I like how the different fonts just magically match with each other to make a nice logo! Gl on more harder tasks

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@galaxyblazing Thank you for your continued support and kind words. I really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

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Wow! This looks really nice, well done on making it! I love the detail you put into it and the Cartoony style you used. Looks pretty good for a café or something like that. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Moriled Thank you for your kind words. :slight_smile:

I think that this looks very neat and it’s nice. It’s not too plain which is good, but since it’s pink I suggest maybe try to find a whiter type color hat (since it’s blue). The blue doesn’t really fit the purpose of the pink combo, then again it could be the color combo choices just my opinion. But anyways, keep up the great work bb!

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I love this! Would you liked to be hired?

That would be great! My discord tag is cllmiq;#0314 :slight_smile: And sorry for the late replyy