GFX Feedback (Game Icon)

Hello hello!

I’ve created this GFX Design awhile ago, and I was just curious on what your guys opinion is towards it. You can be harsh, just want to know what I could fix so it could be better next time :smile:

If you’re curious to what I used to make my GFX, I used PS (Photoshop) as well as Blender


Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 2.21.40 PM
those or weird legsScreen Shot 2021-04-13 at 2.21.47 PM
and weird torso posing

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Looks pretty good, I agree with Ice the posing is a little off but the editing is amazing!!!

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Yea, I didn’t really know what to do for positioning, I really dislike positioning rigs became I’m horrible at it. Thanks for the feedback! :cold_face:

Thank you for the feedback! :+1:

The pose is sorta weird, they’re looking towards the camera but firing the rocket in a different direction. The leg posing is sort of awkward as well. Also, the smug look on this character’s face wants me to give them a real nice punch in the face. I’m not a GFX designer so I can’t comment on the quality of how it looks, but I can comment on the outfit, just looks a little weird in my opinion, other than that, pretty cool. Also, add the watermark directly in the middle of the picture and make it sort of transparent, I can easily edit out the watermark you have in place now, or crop it to make it look like my own.

EDIT: I noticed that the way this is posed, plus the face, makes it look like the person in the GFX just did a massive fart and is smug about the fact that his fart made a literal explosion.

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Thanks for the feedback, good to know! :smile: :+1:

As was mentioned before, the pose could use some work. Overall the editing is great, especially the shading. The explosion in the background doesn’t really fit in the scene, though. You could make it look better by adding some orange glow/highlights on the character to make it seem like it is really standing in front of an explosion.

Yea the pose is one thing, but thanks for the other tips! :eyes:

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