GFX feedback! | Halloween

Made some improvements and posted the updated version here!

Making this for a personal project! All feedback welcome, thanks!

Characters are from the game.


Wow! This is honestly, the best GFX I’ve seen so far. The posing, the colors, the background, and the characters all go SO well together. I also, like what you did with the special effects, it’s subtle but it makes a big difference.

Keep up the amazing work!!


very well made, i’d just make the environment and overall ambience a lot more dark to resemble the “spirit” of halloween. rn it kinda just looks like a disco party with the lighting n stuff but hey you do you


your rigs aren’t great and roblox rigs should generally never be used.
what happened here…

your lighting isn’t great and your effects lighting doesn’t match your scene lighting, and it’s not giving off a halloween vibe, more of new year’s party vibe. also your posing and rigs dont look great, like i said.


I haven’t been able to figure out how to have multiple rigs in a scene or find anything about it online so I’ve been using Moon Animator to pose them then exporting the posed models so they’re not as smooth as I’d like.


use ultimate rig or paintrigv3. both are fine, ultimate rig is better. to have multiple rigs:


background just seems like a blurred out image try make the grass a bit dead I dont know the point of all those lights doesnt really suit like the red glow emitted from the vampire doesnt really suit. the effect is a bit low qual and doesnt suit maybe you shouldve tried blending it in more and also if it was like a halloween GFX try make the lighting darker.



I love the lighting, pose, the glow of the wings, and the realistic grass!

This is just a suggestion, but to make it a more “spooky” feeling instead of a glow party is to make turn the light down a bit, along with reducing some of the vibrance. Try more shadows.


This is truly fantastic, I love all the effects and details!

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this is SO cool!! you’re so talented!

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His character is holding his beheaded head. What did you think?


I love it! It fits well with halloween! Also the FX are great! I also love the poses! Very creative! The only problem would be the rigging. I am also trying to find out how to do mutliple rigs at once. It looks amazing! Keep up the work! :+1:

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how to add multiple rigs in blender 2.8 || Roblox Blender 2.8 Tutorial - YouTube I found the fix for the rigging! (If you use paintrigV3.)

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Looks very nice! I don’t really see any improvements that need to be made. Good Job!
Grade: 97/100

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he’s not holding it. its just balancing there (atl east thats what it looks like)

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No, his GFX looks fine you’re just nitpicking.


he asked for feedback, and I game it to him? how is that nitpicking? even the ‘small and unimportant’ details should be told how to fix.