GFX Feedback Please!

I am currently am working on my edits and poses. For example, this is my 2nd latest GFX:

But now, I accomplished this today which I am very proud of!

Please can you give honest feedback please, it would help me alot! If you cant reply just DM me! dom.#1884


Why does the first photo say Auctiox?Why does the second photo say DXRLLE? Overall they look pretty good

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They both look very good. I’m sure I’ve seen the first one before…

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They are my usernames, I change them so often. :stuck_out_tongue: My new username is Dxrlle

Mhm, I asked for feedback off that aswell!

These look like your average everyday GFX. What I mean by that is that they’re high quality, and that I can see them being thumbnails / advertisements for any game.

Nice work. :+1:

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I love these! You can tell you have the experience and know what you are doing. At this point of your level, it’s really narrowing it down to creating things that will make you stand out. I would love to see more accessories, maybe less popular assets on characters and etc. Also, color grading the rig picture will make it blend in with the back much more.

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Definitely I can see you understand the concept of not having much small details, because these kinds of pictures are meant to be seen from a very small scale. So anything that will make it pop out and have large detail

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Thank you so much! :blue_heart:

Thank you so much for the feedback! :blue_heart:

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May I please ask why the two GFX’s have username’s that don’t match to yours? To answer your question, they look not bad.

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Your question has been answered already.

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I think this belongs in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations. And awesome job!

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They look pretty good :slight_smile: Nice works

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