GFX Girl Blender

Hello! Today I made a GFX but… The water on PBR looks a lil stranger, can some one help me to do water effect on blender please? Here is the GFX :slight_smile:


Very clean gfx the lighting fits the atmosphere and i tell you that water effect isn’t too bad you are better at gfx then me and that’s a fact :laughing:


The lighting is okay, but the water texture isn’t really that good (it looks like glass). The glass is opaque, the legs is intersecting the flamingo, and the HDRI choice is kind of bad.

I would suggest you to add more detail on the water itself (is it an ocean, near shore, pool?), maybe make the flamingo smoother, and change the HDRI to something else, because it looks like the character is floating on water in mid-air.

Overall, it was eh? It is indeed rushed, so for me I would give this a 7/10. You did pretty decent not gonna lie.


Thanks you for tell me that, I like people be nice!

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Ok really good, just a few small notes, the glass should be transparent, so try making it semi transparent to reflect glass, and add a reflection element to it.

Next is the flamingo’s neck,
Screenshot 2020-12-21 at 12.04.35 PM

As you can clearly see the neck is extremely jagged, I would try rounding it more to give it a cleaner look.

But other than those minor things, it’s quite a good piece of GFX art!

This is so cute, good job Holis640.

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Thanks u, LOL I am late of five days…

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Firstly it appears your rendering this GFX with EEVEE switch the mode to cycles if not already raise the alpha on the existing water texture as well which should make it transparent!

The water texture is low quality, the scene is kind of bland.