GFX I made. [comic]

I’ll like to hear some constructive feedback, I’m also using dymanic skies, but you cant see it.

  • Trash
  • Not so trash
  • It’s okay…
  • It’s good
  • It’s very good
  • Fantastic
  • Amazing
  • supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

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The hair kinda ripped off of crazed’s head so might wanna fix that.


I don’t quite get what this pose is. Otherwise, its pretty good imo!

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Yeah, The hair is like that in eevee, and i don’t wanna bother rendering forever.

I’m going to assume this is your first time making a render

  1. I recognize that stock HDRI from the materials tab, why didn’t you render it?
  2. Missing texture
  3. Ground manages to change between frames?
  4. Transparency bug with the guy on the right.

The hdri didnt render.
The bug is because im used eevee for the rest of the renders. [ it happens with roblox characters]
The ground changed due to me changing the rendering engine.

This is like my 24th gfx i dont count how many gfx i have made

I also didnt add the texture on purpose, Due to me being an lazy idiot, i don’t wanna go thru roblox to try to find an tex.file of an noob.

the fonts and tet boxes are wonk, you need to get one man clothes, you need better posing, background and yeah. the story needs a bit of work also

@banspeedrunmega was the one who made it. I assume you replied to me by mistake.

Oh no i’m so sorry, i literally was not paying attention LOL

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It’s okay but make sure you:

  • Have a specific scene with realistic and understandable poses. The poses you had were facing a confsuing direction and everything looked jumbled.
  • Learn how to align hair or accessories on the player. The hair looks wack on the other photos as it’s transparent and it looks like it’s behind the character.
  • Try tutorials on lighting or play around until you’re really familiar with it for better GFX’s.
  • Make sure you’re familiar with both render engines, Cycles and Eevee.

With a bit of time you’ll have outstanding GFXs, keep it up!

what if i dont legitmately care about eevee and i only use cycles.

It’s your choice on how you make your GFX so if you want to use cycles then go for it :+1:

does this have some rivaling backstory? I feel like there’s something more to this. :thinking:

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Hey there! Here’s how you can fix the transparency issue with the hats.
You need to change the Blend Mode from Alpha Blend to Opaque.

This is what it looks like with Alpha Blend.
First you need to select the model. If you look in the bottom right corner, you’ll see the red icon selected which is the material menu. Under Settings you should see Blend Mode and Shadow Mode. Leave Shadow Mode but change Alpha Blend to Opaque and you’ll be done.

And here it is with Opaque selected :slight_smile:
This is with Eevee selected. Also, make sure you do this for every material, you can see I only have one material labelled VqniIlIa1Mtl but you may or may not have more, so just repeat the process for all of them!

It’s okay I guess.

There’s so much more you can bring to the table with Eevee, and I don’t think this quite shows it. If you want to make better renders with Eevee, I recommend playing around with the settings. It’s not hard to make a good looking piece at all, and in most cases, I quite prefer Eevee over cycles.

Render times are completely different, and one would look better in a specific style more than the other. Eevee sort of reflects a Roblox type lighting, and you can do something really good with it:

Watermarked Example:

With a lot of practice, you’ll get better.

Ok it’s decent.
It seems you didn’t render it though. Was that on purpose? Rendering makes the lighting much more realistic
I also suggest removing the “wt*” on the first slide, as that acronym doesn’t mean anything good.
The rigs look a bit weird:
Did something go wrong when importing?

i rendered it [69 charcter limit]

no its just because he liked 2 of my posts