GFX | Mandalorian

Yea I just put my own little spin on the character,

I just watched the first episode of the Mandalorian, and I got inspired lol!

Let me know what you guys think <3


It looks REALLY good but I think that the picture is a little grainy though.


yea i intentionally made it grainy, thank you


I love the neon parts the most, but that’s just me. Text is a little hard to read but other than that, great effort.


This is amazing! I’m speechless.


Nice! What if you put Grogu aka Baby Yoda behind him?

alright so hear me out
the gfx look awesome and it doesn’t need a lot of changes just with the line it just needs to be a lot darker and a little bit bigger as well to the logo needs to be a little bit bigger and that’s it, I think so.

Oh dam that looks 10/10 there. I LOVE IT :+1:

The GFX overall looks well designed, great effort put into this. Maybe if the character was holding a neon glowing sword, the GFX would look spectacular. One small alter I would make, the text could also be bigger to be more easily read. My personal taste, I’d like the pillars to be smooth and sharp to look eye appealing than having specs of grain, though everyone’s style and preferences vary. Otherwise, this GFX looks detailed.

Nice, but watch out for those disney lawyers :flushed:

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