GFX Pricing Help

I recently made a practice thumbnail to test my current skills as an artist and was wondering how much a thumbnail like this should be priced. I’ve been doing commissions for a while and I think I’ve been undervaluing myself just so I could build up my portfolio. Most of my commissions are under 1k and I think its just too much work for that little…

This one took me about a week (Made with Blender and Affinity Photo)


10,000 to 20,000 Preferred Price


most people buy icons for 5K and thumbnails for 10K-15K ads are about 10K

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I think a poll would be nice here

  • 0-1k
  • 1k-5k
  • 5k-10k
  • 10k-20k
  • 20k+

0 voters

You said you spent one week on it,

How many hours exactly?

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It’s been about a month since I’ve worked on this, but I would say probably around 20 hours

This GFX thumbnail looks VERY good! I would say someone would pay 5,000-15,000 Robux for it depending on what their budget is. Nice job on this!


how did you make the fire effect?


I just use emissive image panels in blender and crank up the depth of field to get the bokeh effect

Raw render:


i tried to make an emmisive image panel but it didn’t work, could you please explain what im doing wrong.

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First, import your image as a plane using the images as plane addon (I believe its a default addon that you just have to turn on in settings)

Screen Shot 2023-10-09 at 8.10.11 AM

If the image has a black background (most images will) plug the color output of the image into these three inputs

Use the emission strength value to change how strong you want it to be
Screen Shot 2023-10-09 at 8.11.55 AM

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