GFX Profile picture I made for someone

Any feedback? How do think I can improve? This was made for Proritech. Maybe a scale 1-10 on how good you think it is.


This looks extremely good. 10/10 perfect.

8/10 I love the angle and basically everything but it feels like at the top left corner there should be something there… idk it might just be me…

10/10, I think it’s pretty exemplary, good work.

I would say maybe center the character a little bit more but other than that looks awesome! 9.5/10

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Sheeesh :cold_face:

That’s good 10/10

The purple and glare is noice :ok_hand:

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Jheeeez 10/10, looks really good, maybe try make the light rays from the corner more defined, they look a bit grainy