basically what i do is i just go into the properties and change the color for the object, it sucks if ur thing has many colors but i dont know what else to do.
that isnt how it works… adding light doesnt fix it having no color, i added an hdri to these poker chips which have color in studio and it still doesnt work
That’s sometimes due to exporting, for some reasons, stuff doesn’t always export properly, I would expect the plane to export properly though.
Studio exports are hella weird, I was trying to do one yesterday, and the colours just seem to become a mess for the clothing (for reference, the clothes used is equipped on my avatar rn apart from the layered clothing jacket), layered clothing is also a mess in exports.
Are all the textures roblox studio materials? If so those do not export to blender with color. Just add your own materials or use the node tree by maplestick.