Hello there, I’ve made a thumbnail for my game and I want your opinions on it.
Here’s the thumbnail:
If you’re reading this then don’t worry, I’ll listen to your criticism!
Hello there, I’ve made a thumbnail for my game and I want your opinions on it.
Here’s the thumbnail:
If you’re reading this then don’t worry, I’ll listen to your criticism!
There is room for quite some improvements, but it looks very nice! I like it.
Thank you! But, can you please tell me what to improve on?
The lighting is coming from the far left. There should be much less lighting from the top and right. Keep in mind where the light source is. Overall, good job!
I have some tips to improve.
However, I really do like the lighting of the image near the hand and the gun—really nice work.
The first thing I would suggest is to try to match the character with the background, specifically the coloring. I suggest using a hue/saturation layer for this and (depending on what program you use) clip it to the character.
I also suggest trying out different fonts. The one used here looks a bit bland. (Also, changing the size could help as well.)
The background looks a bit flat, so I suggest a more 3D, real background.
Another thing you could do (optional) is to paint shadows and highlights. It really does help, I’ve been doing it for a year now, and it really does make the render more 3D and not as flat, but otherwise, I think you made a great piece!
Keep up the good work!
Looks awesome! A few things I would add though are some effects. Maybe some smoke / fire on the tip of the gun?
I’ll keep a note of that. Thank you.
I’ll consider doing that when I’m making thumbnails. Thank you for your improvement tips too.
I’ll keep that in mind! Thank you!