[GFX] What do you guys think about this Mad City fanart I made two months back?

For the Mad City Fans (and more)! I’ve decided to REPOST my fanart I made on May 2022 to appreciate the developers of Schwifty Studios and their efforts on the development on Mad City Chapter 2! Those unaware of what is Chapter 2. It’s an update that changes the core of the gameplay along with new mechanics, features, gameplay, and much more! It began in October 2020. Anyways, here’s the artwork I’ve made during my free time since I haven’t done Mad City Fanart in a while!

:rotating_light: It’s showtime in Mad City! :rotating_light:

GFX Context/Alt Text
The render showcases several armed prisoners battling against the law enforcement in front of the Jewelry store who are wielding Swat M4s and Pistols. While the Jetpack dude 1 blew up a police car, he decided to fire another rocket at the cops. The helicopter with a swat member is watching the chaos between the two teams. The prisoners have a Rhino tank and Thunderbird while the law enforcements themselves have Swat bearcats and basic Police cars. The scene takes place in the morning when they are battling against each other. Which either one of the teams would win, and the others shall fail. The artwork was made to show the support of the developers working on chapter 2 as it’s currently still in development. As we wait patiently, I decided to make this render since I was bored and I think it’s best to make something that I haven’t done in a while. The effects are smoke/fog, lens flare, gunshots, some motion blur, and explosions. While the quality of the render was made with realism. (FROM ALT TEXT)

Fun Facts:

  • There are 13 Cops in total (SWAT and Police combined)
  • This took me a week working on it straight trying to fix texturing errors
  • I had fun with this GFX, I tried to make it unique so I dumped in 6 unique criminals with 3 of them being my friends as they wished
  • This was the most liked artwork I’ve ever received. (Second one being 94 likes)
  • This entire scene was rendered a grand total of 10 times in a row due to rim texturing errors
  • I was planning to add less rigs in but I find it embarrassing for an entire dramatic scene only showcasing a few rigs

What I used + links
For those who want to know how I made this, here are some stuff I used

[Main Source and Render Edits] Blender 2.92:

[Toolbox Assets] Roblox Studios: :grinning: :no_entry_sign:
[Rigging] Roblox Rig V4:

[Editing, Effects, and Watermark] BeFunky:

So what do you guys think about this artwork? I am just posting it here since I am kind of proud of this thing and leaving it in the shadows doesn’t seem like a good way to improve. (One more thing: I am going to post “recent art” once I get back from vacation so no hate please.)

Original Post:


Excellent job! Mad City should use this. Sadly it’s not active anymore.


There’s a super long update for Mad City that’s releasing this month. So I Believe that it would more active again.

Chapter 2 releasing tomorrow! Super excited!

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Wow this is amazing they should really jse this in there thumbnails

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This fanart was featured in one the billboards in Mad City, so look around and the RNG would probably pull mines out in a billboard :slight_smile:

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