Hello, I was always wondering If I could make a GFX without a blender? I have seen it done but to be more specific, Can you make a GFX without any downloads?
The reason I would wonder is, for ex. What if you were on your moms computer?(just for ex.)
and you didn’t want your people to see you put a virus with some sort of application youtubers say to download, so.
Blender is a completely free, 3D Software that I assure you doesn’t have any viruses, as long as you go to their official website and download it from there you are completely safe, don’t worry. There are ways you can make Logos and Banners and what not without the use of third-party-softwares but it can get quite a bit more tricky and more lack of a payoff.
Do you think ROBLOX ever had any plans to incorporate different assets in terms like Blender or any other plugins to be made into roblox studio automatically?
There isn’t really a way to not download anything. Even if you were to attempt GFX with other people’s renders (which I don’t condone) then you would have to download the pngs. I understand the struggle, but if you want to do GFX you need 3d software like Blender, C4D, or Maya. I wouldn’t be concerned with virus’s, but if your parents are then there’s nothing you can do besides try to convince them otherwise.
actually, you can make a good GFX with only roblox studio, you should change the lighting (the new lighting effect its very nice for this) modify the rigs welds,add objects, take a screenshot and edit it if u want to!