Hey there! I’m V.
I run a YouTube channel for my group and we have out first major video in the works.
The idea is, some staff and I dress up as Power Rangers and play a game or two to see what happens (not really a raid). I got the idea from MrSmartyPants who made a similar video.
I’ve never made a thumbnail with the intention of it being a thumbnail so this is my first time!
Main questions:
Would you click on this video for the idea / gameplay / entertainment?
Would you click on this video based just off the thumbnail alone with no other context?
Is it eye-catching / appealing?
What could I improve to make it more eye-catching / appealing?
All feedback is appreciated!
Here’s the thumbnail!
This looks like a very nice thumbnail! I woul maybe add lighting effects to the characters, you could use the GFX pack that i5k released on twitter, it is helpful and includes a ton of effects and stock photos and helpful stuff to help you!
I would say that the people need to be closer up the camera, and that the “Power Rangers raiders” Logo needs to be bigger aswell. I’m assuming the outlaster logo is there because you are playing outlaster in the video, but I think the logo is redundant and uses up space that could otherwise be used to draw attention to the power rangers GFX and logo.
Youtube thumbnails are scaled down to be pretty small, and when I use the “zoom” feature and make the page smaller, it is very hard to see the individual power rangers.
This comment in a nutshell:
Outlaster logo redundant, power ranger people need to be bigger, power ranger logo needs to be bigger.
Thanks! Will check it out tomorrow![quote=“FanTasTicDoggo1, post:3, topic:1204122, full:true”]
I would say that the people need to be closer up the camera, and that the “Power Rangers raiders” Logo needs to be bigger aswell. I’m assuming the outlaster logo is there because you are playing outlaster in the video, but I think the logo is redundant and uses up space that could otherwise be used to draw attention to the power rangers GFX and logo.
Youtube thumbnails are scaled down to be pretty small, and when I use the “zoom” feature and make the page smaller, it is very hard to see the individual power rangers.
(No idea why the quotes went all weird but oh well)
This comment in a nutshell:
Outlaster logo redundant, power ranger people need to be bigger, power ranger logo needs to be bigger.
Thanks! Will do some edits tomorrow and post it here![quote=“IceTheOneAndOnly, post:4, topic:1204122”]
why’s it say outlaster tho? raiding outlaster??
the pink girls legs are attached to each other? thats weird.
Yep we played Outlaster, and one leg is just behind the other.
YouTube thumbnails are generally really small so fine details such as small text and characters can be hard to see. I think you shouldn’t incorporate the text outlaster as it should be in the title. What I’m trying to say here is title matters and it needs to work well with the thumbnail. Saying the game title is quite redundant. I also believe the characters should be revolves around the picture to make it pop out and make people want to click on the video. A very common way to make people click a video is arrows or other items to make the audience want to know more. If I were a kid i would definitely click on this video but like I said before video thumbnails are usually tiny. There are some exceptions but it’s important that it’s visible because that’s how you will find your audience which is from other videos (most likely). If I can’t see it I would just click another video. I would also say that this thumbnail is eye catching and appealing but the thumbnail size factor could ruin the meaning of this. I am also wondering what that ss is in the bottom left of the thumbnail. By itself it’s confusing and has no overall benefit (if this is a watermark I think the better option would be incorporate your personal/group into the thumbnail. Some examples is having a face of the yt in the thumbnail. This is much more appealing and is interesting compared to text.) other than that I think it is a lovely thumbnail and I’m sorry I wrote so much but I hope this help and good luck with your YouTube channel!
It still looks off… Why don’t you put everything in the center, instead of putting things in weird places and wasting needed space.
(I dont mean this rudely, since it sounds rude)
This is a pretty nice thumbnail, although everything being on different sides is weird. Maybe put the people in the middle, while all the other stuff are on the sides. That way you aren’t wasting space in the middle.